The Lego Avengers Tower Set offers a unique opportunity to construct the iconic headquarters in intricate detail. This impressive set may appear as a simple display piece, but it will soon transform into a vibrant stage for reliving epic moments...
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The Lego Ninjago Destiny’s Bounty 70618 is a stunning set that will appeal to fans of the Ninjago movie and the TV series. It is a large and detailed model of the ninja team’s flying ship, and it comes with...
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The epic battles above Coruscant in Star Wars: The Clone Wars will sure reminds you of the sleek, silver gunships zipping through the glittering cityscape with the elite Clone Troopers. Well, the Lego Coruscant Guard Gunship 75354 lets you recreate...
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For discerning Star Wars fans, the Lego Mos Eisley Cantina 75290 is not just a construction project, but a definite immersive experience. This detailed set captures the iconic cantina from "A New Hope," transporting you to the heart of Tatooine's...
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The Lego Temple of Airjitzu 70751 will transcend you into the typical brick towering experience. Imagine sky high pagoda roofs that seem to brush the clouds, intricate wooden frames with stories of ancient wisdom, and bustling market stalls. You'll get...
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